
Little Angel, in hospital 5 years old.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Willie Foster-Horton born 18 June in the Millenium - no man or woman could have known the impact of this precious life and how short that life would be. sometimes it's a good thing that we have no idea. 

The first photos of Willie show his cherub potential - a very cute little baby with a mop of blond hair covering his head and beautiful hazel eyes and the most angelic mouth. I didn't  know this little man then.

I first knew he existed when I bumped into his mum and sister one spring day at the park after school. The bubbly little girl was in a summers dress identifying her as going to the same village school as my sons. Brown wavy hair, an infectious smile and a buzz of energy propelling her up the steps and down the slide  - over and over - her mum sitting perched on the very end of the steel slide, more to rest than to catch her cherished daughter. 

The look she gave whilst watching was that of a weary mother - both proud and exhausted - and this was only minutes after school ended. I found out soon enough why... 

As my two sons ran, jumped, swung and teased each other 
I wandered closer to say hello. The little girl chatted happily to me whilst her mother sighed and said 'Oh hi - this is Rheanna...'

It's 3/1/2014 Rheanna is in my lounge staying over for a few days. Not quite as cute but stunningly beautiful and far more chilled than all those years ago - she is curled up on the armchair ...taller than me now - she's grown up into an amazing young lady, clever polite and caring. She still retains an element of fun...her hair still light brown but longer -cascading down over her shoulders. 

Looking at her today knowing how strong she is... No outward signs of what she has been through in her 17 years. Willie you couldn't be more proud of your big sister than I am. I have promised for too long to write your story little buddy. I know it needs to be told - to encourage others in a similar situation - to bring hope into shattered lives - to keep my promise to Rheanna - who doesn't want to forget - but as she was so young, cannot remember it all. 

The five years I walked with you Willie were the most profound of my life - your faith in God taught me more 
Than I Would ever learn In a lifetime. I want to share your faith with the world Willie Foster Horton - I just hope I can give it justice - I hope I can tell it exactly as it was. For you and for Rheanna. 

Goodnight my little angel sleep tight x

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